/**/ Info Bee: Best Time Management

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Best Time Management

Time Management

It may be easily said that one who wastes time is an unhappy person. Time is valuable Time is money. If time is wasted money is wasted time wait for none, Life is short. We have to achieve minimum available time this keeps us satisfied and happy. Time lost by you can never come again. It cannot be regained any means.
Yesterday died, Tomorrow not come again, Today is ours. Let us not waste it. “This saying tells us the importance of time. One who has used time wisely will have no worries. If you postponed it you may not get the facilities to do the work. Your time has an economic value which can be translated into a real coat and you must be aware of what it is.

Ø Plan your activities
Ø Have schedule – set routine
Ø Priorities the work be punctual

Don’t forget
Time lost cannot be recalled
•Time works wonders
•Timely blossom, timely ripe
•There is time to work and a time to play
•There is time to speak a time to be silent
•A stitch in time saves none
•Tips on time management
1 . Find out where your time goes: also of the time that goes as waste everyday
2 . plan your day
3 . prepare list of all that you have to do in order to achieve the goals
4 . keep interruption to a minimum
5 . take control of time at meetings
6 . improve your communication skills effectively

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