Summer month is hot and make the people sweat all times. Sweat and oil secretions increase in the summer seasons. Summer months become more difficult for oily skin people. The skin loses its glow and become dull as the summer sweat makes the skin look greasy and also attracts dirt and pollutants. So here are the tips to take care of the skin especially in summer seasons.
The most important thing during summer is the cleansing of the skin.
Normal Skin:
Normal Skin needs a gel or a cleansing cream.
Oily Skin:
Oily skin should be cleansed with cleansing milk or lotion.
Pimple skin:
Pimple skin needs medicated cleansers to take of their skin during summer seasons.
Cleansing at day:
In fact, the face should be washed several times with plain water during summer seasons. A deep pore cleansing is needed for oily skin in order to keep the pores free from dirt and clogged oil. Cleansing grains or a scrub should be used after cleaning the skin or washing the skin with plain water. Cleansing grains can be used with skin tonic. Rub gently on skin in circular motion also ready-to-use scrubs are also available. The scrub or cleansing grains should be washed with plenty of water. And need to rinse well with water so that the sweat deposits and all dirt will be removed completely.
Inorder to refresh the skin or clean the skin, a skin toner is best preferred in summer seasons. A flower based skin toner is preferred containing a rose or lavender. If you have a normal skin use Rose water as it cleans and refreshes the skin and also gives a fresh feeling.
After cleansing the skin, wipe the skin with a cotton wool pad dipped in Rose water or skin tonic. Oily skin needs an astringent toner. An astringent toner is used to reduce the oiliness in the skin. For Oily skin people, it is advised to wipe the skin with astringent toner several times a day in summer. You can mix the astringent lotion with rose water in equal quantities and use it by keeping it in refrigerator. This mixer will be a good astringent toner for oily skins.
You can take small bottle of rose water with you and can use it when you sweat too much or feel greasy. Also wet tissues are available.
Cleansing at Night:
Cleansing at night during Summer is very important thing before going to bed. The dirt and pollutants which are deposited on the skin during the day should be removed completely before going to sleep. This not only helps to reduce surface oil, but also protects the skin from pimples and spots.
Use a nourishing cream for the normal or dry skin before going to bed. Massage the nourishing cream on the face with few drops of water. Wipe off with cotton wool after massaging. By doing this, your skin will feel fresh and cool and will get a good sleep.
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