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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Free Vaccine Reminder for your Kids

Vaccine Reminder is one of the very important service which is introduced by the government. Most of the government hospitals has the camp for every two weeks and they offer the vaccines for “FREE”. Vaccines are important for each and every child as it helps in improving the immunity and helps from the dangerous diseases like polio, measles, and chicken pox and so on….

In busy life, some parents forget to give the vaccines on time for their kids. So, now you can get the alert message to your mobile directly if u get registered once. Surely, this will be a born for your children. The registration is possible for the kid who are below 12 years. 

National vaccine reminder is free and there are no hidden charges.

The steps that you need to follow is very simple and you will get the reply message to your mobile with in few minutes.

You need send the SMS of child’s name and date of birth(format DD-MM-YYYY) to 566778 as given below.

Immunize {space} child’s name {space} DOB

Example:  Immunize Sonika 05-06-2010

As soon as you register you will get the message about you registration weather it was successful or not.

On every vaccination of the child will be messaged to the mobile 2 days in advance. You will get the message till Kid’s 12 years old.

Forward this message to all your friends and to the people whom you care for.